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Getting Started

zap is a Spotlight-like Dock with Vim motions. It is designed to help navigate between apps, window and monitors at the speed of thought.

This manual contains information on how to use zap, detailed instructions on the basics and other miscellaneous features.

Why I Built zap

I'm a developer who often finds myself immersed in multiple projects, switching between various screens and even working on the go with my 13-inch MacBook Pro. During these transitions, I've constantly grappled with an issue that seems minor but has become increasingly frustrating over time: window navigation.

Whether it's losing sight of the email app or spending precious moments hunting down my Spotify window, these seemingly trivial tasks began to eat away at my productivity. And it wasn't just about losing windows; it was about the discontinuity of workflow, especially as someone who relies on Vim for fast and efficient text editing.

Using Vim allowed me to edit text at a blazing pace, but that smooth flow would come to a screeching halt when I needed to switch between windows. The disconnect was jarring, and I realized that this was a problem begging for a solution.

That's when the idea for zap was born. I began to envision a tool that would enable window navigation at the speed of thought. I wanted something that wouldn't just resolve my personal irritation but would enhance the workflow of many. A tool that would integrate seamlessly with Vim motions, allowing for a coherent and efficient user experience.

With zap, no longer do windows get lost in the shuffle. No more dragging cursors around aimlessly. It's about swift, intuitive control, mirroring the same efficiency I found in Vim but extending it to the entire workspace.

Vim, Vim motions?!

What's essential to understand is that Vim motions are not the same as Vim itself. They're simply keystrokes and shortcuts that many of us use without realizing. These motions are embedded into the fabric of everyday computing, and there's a good chance you're already familiar with them.

zap leverages these familiar motions to create an intuitive and fluid navigation experience. So, whether you're a Vim aficionado or someone who's never touched a line of code, zap is for you. The Vim mentions are merely a nod to efficiency and precision; they are not a barrier to entry.